SSA Ticket To Work

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What Is SSA Ticket To Work?

The Ticket-to-Work Program is a program through the Social Security Administration (SSA) to provide a resource to people that receive disability benefits that want to enter or re-enter the workforce.

This resource is in the form of an Employment Network (EN).  EN’s are contracted with SSA to provide assistance and support to beneficiaries that want to work.  While using the Ticket Program a person is usually exempt from the regular medical reviews from SSA.

As an EN we provide services to beneficiaries for about eight years to meet their employment goals. The truth is that although there are some things that you can’t do…. there are still many things that you CAN DO. Let’s work together to define where you are now, where you want to be, and what steps you need to take to get there!

We’ll examine your interests, your talents, your dreams, and your goals for the future.  We’ll identify the barriers that currently prevent you from attaining your goal, and we’ll give you the techniques to overcome them.  We are with you, each step of the way.

Contact Us At: 877-594-4736 

Man in lab coat looking into microscope.

How We Help

Woman teaching and writing on whiteboard.

Work Incentive Counseling

Counseling by a certified Benefits Counselor regarding how work affects your disability benefits, and other programs.

Group of people in circle with hands on top of each other in the middle.

Career Strategies

Assistance to identify career strategies including your likes, experiences, and a career test.

Two people eating looking at laptop.

Case Management

Case Management is a dynamic process that assesses, plans, implements, coordinates, monitors, and evaluates to improve outcomes, experiences, and value.

Two women meeting at table with city in background.

Career Consulting

Assistance with your chosen career path, including how to make a decision, and if you want to change your path.

Man wearing hat farming in field.

Job Placement Services

Help to find a position once you have determined your career path.

Man and woman high fiving while working on computer.

Post-Employment Support

Assistance to keep your job, obtain promotions, request accommodations.

Woman in cat shirt talking with other woman on couch wearing pink blouse.

Peer Mentoring

As a person with a disability that is a successful part of the workforce, mentoring can be provided on a variety of issues relating to this piece.

Missing puzzle piece being pushed towards opening in puzzle.

Plans For Achieving Self Support

SSA work incentive that helps people to obtain items to be self-sufficient.

Learn More

Man teaching woman to play piano.

Referral To Other Agencies

If at any time during services, it is determined that you could benefit from a program or service that is not provided, we will initiate the contact to that service provider with your input.

Our Services Can Help You On Your Journey

We’ll help you attain your goals, identify the and conquer the obstructions that hinder you reaching your dreams. By working with us, you’ll realize how to overcome barriers, build confidence in your talents and skills, and produce a path to attain your objectives.

Woman helping elderly woman cook in kitchen.


We work with the Oregon state Commission for the Blind Vocational Rehabilitation Program  to assist people that are legally blind to obtain and retain employment.  We also provide counseling on disability benefits and working.

Man and woman holding purple flowers in flower shop.


Services to assist you to live and work in your community.

Man in hat planting plants.


We work with the state Vocational Rehabilitation Program to assist people with disabilities to obtain and retain employment.

Construction team standing at table reviewing plans.

SSA Ticket To Work

Receive Career Counseling, Job Search Strategies, counseling on disability benefits and work, and much more.

Construction team standing at table reviewing plans.

The Helping Crew

Your all-in-one solution for cleaning, errands, pet care, and moving services; we’ve got you covered from sprucing up your space to giving your vehicle a sparkling makeover, so you can sit back, relax, and let us handle the rest stress-free!